Friday, March 7, 2008

Feel Good Friday: Thicker Than Water Edition

At long last, I finally watched Jack Johnson's first surf movie, Thicker Than Water, tonight. It's great, even better than the soundtrack which I have been listening to for a couple of years now.

Try to watch these clips and be in a bad mood. I dare you.

"The Cove" by Jack Johnson

"Even After All" by Finley Quaye {full version of this great song here}

"Thicker Than Water" by Todd Hannigan

I failed my New Year's Resolution from 2007 to try surfing, but lately I really have the bug, although I would really prefer to learn initially in trunks only rather than the full on wetsuit required in these parts. This year is already booked up with vacation, but I think I have decided to celebrate my 35th birthday in Feb 2009 by going to Hawaii and learning to surf.

Anyhow, these vids and music are just what you need for Friday- muy tranquilo.

Have a great weekend, whatever you get into.

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