As I took in the scene I realized that the only thing that could make it better was a beer and the amazingly soothing voice of Cesaria Evora. Plus I was interested to see if my laptop could pull a wireless signal from up there. So I went downstairs, grapped the ol' laptop, the camera, and a beer, and watched the sunset with Cesaria serenading me with her amazing voice.
The result was The Kanu Rooftop Experience, Sunset Edition With Soundtrack:
Here are a few pics as well. Fear not, the weather has returned to 50s and foggy the last couple of days, so hopefully you shant be bothered with my sunsetitis for a while.
Oh, and the laptop can pull a wireless signal from someone in the area not savvy enough to lock their shit down, but it is very, very slow. But it has got me brainstorming on how to get a good connection up there so I can listen to the whole EDSBS Live show from up there on Tuesday afternoons...
Your rooftops = my bodies of water.
As for the wireless, break down and shuck the Cali lifestyle for a day and eat a whole can of pringles. Then, go ahead and make yourself a cantenna. Point it a the wireless connection and you will be all set!
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